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Our Mission

Empowering Enhancing Enabling

“Supporting poor children to have educational opportunities” means:

§  Ensuring that all children are registered at birth (have an official birth registration document).  SCO staff identify pregnant women, monitor them, and encourage them to go to HC to deliver the baby, tell mothers the importance of doing a Birth Registration form.  Without such a form, it is not possible to access various rights and privileges, including public school.

§  Identifying “poor children” who are out of school.

§  Providing the basic fees and materials necessary for those children to be in school.

§  Linking teachers to the child caregivers (by having staff meet with the teachers at beginning of the program to inform teachers about the purpose of the program and ask for collaboration with the program activities; and special effort is made to help teachers make a direct link to caregiver so that SCO can “get out of the middle”).  

§  SCO encourages beneficiary families to create a positive home environment that will facilitate their children’s schooling outcomes.

Mission Statement

SCO is a Christian LNGO supporting poor children to have educational opportunities by empowering girls and boys to exercise their four basic child rights, enhancing family well-being, and enabling duty-bearers to fulfill their obligations.  

Family well-being means: 

§  Caregivers have the means and motivation to take responsibility for the holistic development of their own children, including ensuring that their children attend and achieve well at school.

§  Caregivers have decent work  and economic stability.

§  Caregivers model good habits (defined by SCO as:  they do not gamble, do not do violence, they do not drink excessive alcohol, etc.

§  Caregivers have good communication and positive relating within the family; and from family to the community.

Duty-bearers (moral and legal) fulfill (related) obligations means:

§  Moral duty-bearers include:  religious leaders, community members, caregivers & parents.

§  Legal duty-bearers include:  teachers, local authorities (Khan, etc.), CCWC, the RGC.

§  In both instances, SCO recognizes that it provides a temporary link between the rights holders and the duty-bearers and that its role is enable direct links between rights holders and duty-bears and then “get out of the way”.