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Child and Family Development

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Child & Family

Development Program

Project Vision

Girls and boys in 11 urban-poor villages in Khan/district Meanchey and Posenchey in Phnom Penh city– in four Sangkats/communes so-called Phum Phneat, Steung Meanchey, Samaky, and Tropaing Anhchanh – recognize the value of education and have the opportunity to access quality education in both public and private schools to grow strong and become self-reliant.

They have the self-confidence and the courage to advocate with other people for their basic rights, to participate in any learning group. They become leaders who lead in club activities, group discussions, debates, events, and projects.

They have a specific dream and plan for their future, while they equip themselves for their better career option, for making their dreams come true. They can make the best life choices possible that match their potential and enjoy their basic rights by attending school regularly and have a good school result. They become role models, future leaders, and key actors for improving their life, family, and community.
Parents are responsible for supporting their children to exercise their rights and ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for girls and boys; ensuring that girls and boys have good quality health care, clean water, and good food while protecting girls and boys from being hurt or bad treated.

They acknowledge the importance of their child study and support them to study by allowing them to go to school, following-up, and helping them at home. They improve their family living standard with a consistent income/jobs/business and manage their family finances properly. They have good relationships with their spouse and children.

Local authorities take responsibility, are active in serving and solving the problems of the poeple in the community particularly girls and boys. They demonstrate the values of good governance through upholding high standards of conduct and behavior. They work together to achieve a common purpose with clearly defined functions and roles. They provide legal documents to their people with transparency and accountability. Teachers respect and listen to their students’ ideas or opinions and create a safe learning environment for all students by practicing positive discipline and making their students feel safe to express their feeling. They have a friendly attitude towards their students and motivate them to learn.

They have good communication with students and well- behaved as they teach their students correspondingly without discrimination and find ways to make sure that every student understands and catches up on the lessons well. The environment management in the working place, target families, communities and the schools have been improved. Children and their parents, community leaders and local authorities and teachers live, work and teach attitude and practice to make good environments. They continue to share and educate other people to get involved in making good environments where they stay study and work.

Project Mission

The program will work in the target community to support girls and boys to access to school, while it also will conduct children’s and youth’s clubs, which help them to recognize the value of education, to get knowledge on child’s rights, health, and hygiene, morality, life skills, music, and craft. It will strengthen them to enjoy their rights, to equip for their plan for future and their dream come true. The program will also empower them to participate in activities, and learning groups, which provide them an opportunity to share, learn and lead in a group discussion, a debate, and an event. It also will build up girls and boys to have more self-confidence, courage to do what they want to achieve.

The project will also work directly with children’s parents by conducting mother’s and father’s club on parenting skills, financial family management, domestic violence, positive discipline, and health and hygiene. It will equip them with the practical knowledge to improve their responsibility and increase their role with practical parenting skills and positive discipline. The project will equip parents (or any family member) on Micro-Enterprise Development (MED) or send them for vocational training course (VTC) before providing them the start-up capital to start their own business. It will reinforce each and individual family member to become an actor for their family economic sustainability. A visiting schedule to follow-up and to help them to solve their critical issue, to set family goals, and to see their needs as well as their improvement.

The program will collaborate with the local authorities, Commune Committee for Women and Children (CCWC), and teachers to participate and support the implementation of this program in the communities, while the program will also engage these key actors in its activities. It will help them to acknowledge the real needs of their community members and to respond to them. It also provides them great opportunities to serve their people legally and physically. The program will conduct training to strengthen them on conflict resolution and project design, while the program will organize meetings with them to increase their responsibilities and the performance of their roles to solve, intervene and prevent the issue of children, women, and families that took place in the community actively. The program will also organize training and workshop to share their practical experiences, to discuss child’s rights, child protection, child abuse, and positive discipline. The SCO will develop an environment policy for their office and implementing activities by 2023. To participant and improve the environments, SCO has to create a environment policy to implement with the organization and promote and do awareness among the girls and boys, parents and duty bearers.

Outcome Challenges Boundary Partner 1: Boys & Girls

The program intends to see girls and boys in the urban-poor-communities in Phnom Penh are exercising their rights, particularly they are enjoying their rights for education, protection, participation and are living happily. They are attending school regularly and pay attention for their studies (both public and private school) and having an acceptable school result. 

They are equipping with useful knowledge and life skills to achieve their plans for the future and to make their dream come true. They are practicing good personal hygiene such as brushing teeth, taking a bath, cutting their fingernails, having their hair cut, washing cloth, washing hands before and after meals, and keeping rubbish at home at their school appropriately.

They are having a closed conversation and discussing with friends, parents, and teachers regarding their studies. They are using good words with friends, parents, elders, teachers, and other people. They are daring to report to the relevant people, teachers, parents, and the authorities whenever they faced any issue or saw it. They are braving to participate in any learning groups and events to share and learn regarding the morality, environment, life skills, music, and craft. They are leading group discussions, debates, events, study trips, children’s and youth’s clubs confidently. Grills and boys learn to share and do awareness on environment improvement with their friends, families, communities and schools.
The program Parents in the urban-poor communities are valuing the importance of education and taking their parental responsibility toward their children’s studies by allowing them to go to class as well as willing to contribute to this matter. They are checking and following up on their assignment and school results. They are learning and practicing the four basic-child rights in their family.

They are using positive disciplining with their children. They are encouraging their son and daughter to do housework equally. They are paying attention to listen to their children and the opinion of their family members.  They are spending time observing their children that know that they practice good personal hygiene or connect to any gambling and drinking group. They are strengthening a good relationship with teachers and local authorities to protect their children from any form of abuse. They are living as a model to their children by good deeds, words, and character. They are strengthening good relationships with their family members by spending time together, forgiving each other, and not committing violence when someone does anything wrong. They are acting their roles well as parents, husband, and wife. Parents are also taking their responsibility fully toward their family living conditions.

They are equipping their capacity regarding financial management, time management, and business empowerment to improve their income and saving through jobs or business. They are setting their family development plan for example: having their own house, a piece of land, a motor, avoid unnecessary expenses, well managing their money, and saving. They also pay attention in making good environments in their houses and communities.

Outcome Challenges: Boundary Partner 2: Parents/Families

The program Parents in the urban-poor communities are valuing the importance of education and taking their parental responsibility toward their children’s studies by allowing them to go to class as well as willing to contribute to this matter. They are checking and following up on their assignment and school results. They are learning and practicing the four basic-child rights in their family. They are using positive disciplining with their children. They are encouraging their son and daughter to do housework equally.

They are paying attention to listen to their children and the opinion of their family members. They are spending time observing their children that know that they practice good personal hygiene or connect to any gambling and drinking group.

They are strengthening a good relationship with teachers and local authorities to protect their children from any form of abuse. They are living as a model to their children by good deeds, words, and character. They are strengthening good relationships with their family members by spending time together, forgiving each other, and not committing violence when someone does anything wrong. They are acting their roles well as parents, husband, and wife. Parents are also taking their responsibility fully toward their family living conditions.

They are equipping their capacity regarding financial management, time management, and business empowerment to improve their income and saving through jobs or business. They are setting their family development plan for example: having their own house, a piece of land, a motor, avoid unnecessary expenses, well managing their money, and saving. They also pay attention in making good environments in their houses and communities.

Outcome Challenges: Boundary Partner 3: Legal Duty Bearers

The legal duty bearers are taking their responsibilities fully to serve the people in their community. They are engaging in project’s activities as quest speakers; to visit and recruit new children/families into SCO’s project. They are helping to make legal documents for children and families without discrimination.

They are acting their role actively to solve and intervene the issues of children and families. They are understanding, practicing and sharing four basic child’s rights to their community people. They are protecting the children in their community from abuse and ensuring that girl and boys enjoy their basic rights. They are engaging and encouraging the community people to set up a network group (youth, man or woman group) for supporting or helping one another.

Teacher are encouraging and supporting students to attend their class regularly. They are teaching responsibility and professionally in their classroom. They are encouraging and inspiring their students to be courage and study hard for a good school result. Teachers are having good relationships with parents related to study matters such as school result, attendance and any relevant information. They are practicing positive discipline and using polite words. They are understanding four basic child’s rights, are practicing and sharing these to students. Teacher are having plan to prepare school compound to have clean and safe environment.