The program will work in the target community to support girls and boys to access to school, while it also will conduct children’s and youth’s clubs, which help them to recognize the value of education, to get knowledge on child’s rights, health, and hygiene, morality, life skills, music, and craft. It will strengthen them to enjoy their rights, to equip for their plan for future and their dream come true. The program will also empower them to participate in activities, and learning groups, which provide them an opportunity to share, learn and lead in a group discussion, a debate, and an event. It also will build up girls and boys to have more self-confidence, courage to do what they want to achieve.
The project will also work directly with children’s parents by conducting mother’s and father’s club on parenting skills, financial family management, domestic violence, positive discipline, and health and hygiene. It will equip them with the practical knowledge to improve their responsibility and increase their role with practical parenting skills and positive discipline. The project will equip parents (or any family member) on Micro-Enterprise Development (MED) or send them for vocational training course (VTC) before providing them the start-up capital to start their own business. It will reinforce each and individual family member to become an actor for their family economic sustainability. A visiting schedule to follow-up and to help them to solve their critical issue, to set family goals, and to see their needs as well as their improvement.
The program will collaborate with the local authorities, Commune Committee for Women and Children (CCWC), and teachers to participate and support the implementation of this program in the communities, while the program will also engage these key actors in its activities. It will help them to acknowledge the real needs of their community members and to respond to them. It also provides them great opportunities to serve their people legally and physically. The program will conduct training to strengthen them on conflict resolution and project design, while the program will organize meetings with them to increase their responsibilities and the performance of their roles to solve, intervene and prevent the issue of children, women, and families that took place in the community actively. The program will also organize training and workshop to share their practical experiences, to discuss child’s rights, child protection, child abuse, and positive discipline.
The SCO will develop an environment policy for their office and implementing activities by 2023. To participant and improve the environments, SCO has to create a environment policy to implement with the organization and promote and do awareness among the girls and boys, parents and duty bearers.